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  From: Asma Chandani <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 11:16:11 -0400

Spycams on Patrol- A Wired Mag Story

For a pretty mind-blowing story on CLEAR and the power of fiber-optic
networks in the hands of 5-0, check out this article:

If the link doesn't work, just go to and scroll down to
the story heading "Spycams on Patrol"

It reminds me of Florida's MATRIX database project last month, but that
seemed much more the private collusion sort of database that Eric talked
about his paper, and this has a tinge of the public good in it. I guess
it matters whether law enforcement has info on criminals or law-abiding

At least now I know my friend Caitlin will be SAFE during her summer job
in Chi-town. 

For a link on the MATRIX project I referred to, here's one:


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