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  From: Jonah Bossewitch <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 22:14:36 -0400

Privacy for Profit

Here is a company I ran across trying to make lots of $$ on the privacy

Looks like their news announcements parallel many of the same issues we have
been following - it is in their best interest to keep their clients scared
about these matters ;-)

I am presuming that folks here are already following NYTimes, Wired, and /.
postings, although I could be wrong. Would anyone benefit from "mainstream"
stories being copied here?  In some ways this list could function as a sort
of intelligence agency, with lots of eyes and ears filtering in bits and
pieces that individuals may have missed.  I don't mind getting alerted to
stuff that I may have seen (or missed), but I am not sure if people care to
use this list that way.

best regards,

Computers, Privacy, and the Constitution mailing list

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