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  From: Alexander van der Wolk <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:26:32 -0500

Data mining, security and terrorism

Following up on class discussions and in light of Congress' renewal  
of the Patriot Act:

"Intense congressional and public scrutiny has not produced a single  
substantiated claim that the Patriot Act has been misused to violate  
Americans' civil liberties," said House Judiciary Committee Chairman  
James Sensenbrenner, R-Wisconsin. "Opponents of the legislation have  
relied upon exaggeration and hyperbole to distort a demonstrated  
record of accomplishment and success."
You gotta love politics...,70362-0.html?tw=rss.politics

An interesting op-ed in Wired today about why data mining will not  
stop terrorism:

"We're not trading privacy for security; we're giving up privacy and  
getting no security in return.",70357-0.html?tw=rss.politics


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