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  From: Matt Norwood <>
  To  : CPC <>
  Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 23:21:45 -0500

[CPC] Danah Boyd on Internet privacy and "super publics"

My old friend and colleague Danah Boyd, currently a researcher for
Yahoo! Labs and a grad student at Berkeley, has a lot of great
scholarship on Internet social networks and youth culture. Her blog has
an essay today on the nature of the "public" on the Internet and the
existence of multiple publics that cut across space and time:

Her writings on privacy are definitely worth reading:

Danah is more of a privacy skeptic than I am; she's a big Habermas fan,
and tends to see privacy as even more of a specifically bourgeois
privilege than I do. (see e.g. this post: ) I see her point, but I think it's important to protect the rights of the middle class as a step on the way to extending them in practice to the poor, to children, to non-citizens, etc.

Matt Norwood

Computers, Privacy, and the Constitution mailing list

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