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"Then came, Oscar, the time of the guns.
And there was no land for a man, no land for a country,
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- 1684, Act IV - "Every trooper of the respective counties of this country, shall furnish and supply himself with a good able horse, saddle, and all arms and furniture, fitt and compleat for a trooper, and that every foot soldier, shall furnish and supply himselfe, with a sword, musquet and other furniture fitt for a soldier, and that each trooper and foot souldier, be provided with two pounds of powder, and eight pounds of shott, and shall continually keep their armes well fixt, cleane and fitt for the king's service." Failure to do so will result in a fine of four hundred pounds of tobacco. The Act further required that all commanders "shall once at the least in every three months, muster, traine and exercise, the troop or company under his command, to the end, they may be the better fitted and enabled, for his majesties and the countryes service." [Vol 3, 14]
- 1684, Act VII - Required the raising of four cavalery units, "to be well horsed and armed; Every man to have a good able horse for service, a case of pistolls, a carbine, sword and all other furniture usual and necessary for horse souldiers or troopers." Contained specific provisions for how troops were to be provisioned, mustered, trained and quartered." [Vol 3, 17-20] *1691, Act XV: An Act for the Better Defence of the Country - Authorizes the governour or commander in chief "to raise, levy and muster so many and such a number of men, horses, armes and ammunition for the better defence of the same, and such forces already raised, or to be raised at all times to disband and discharge, as to them shall seem most conduccing to the advantage of this dominion, which said souldiers already settled or to be raised by force of this act, are upon all occasions to observe, performe and keepe all such directions, orders and commands as shall be appointed by the lieutenant governour." [Vol 3, 82-83]
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- 1738, Acts of the General Assembly, Chap. II: An Act for the better Regulation of the Militia [Vol. 3, 16-19]
- II. "[T]he chief officer of the militia, in every county, shall list all free male persons, above the age of one and twenty years, within this colony, under the command of such captains as he shall think fit."
- V. "[E]very person, so as aforesaid listed, (except free mulatto, negros and Indians,) and placed or ranked in horse or foot, shall be armed and accoutred in manner following: that is to say, Every horse-man shall be furnished with a serviceable horse, a good saddle, with breast-plate, crupper, curb-bridle, carbine or fuzee, and bucket, holsters, a case of pistols, cutting sword or cutlass, double cartouch box, and six charges of powder; and constantly appear with the same, at the time and place appointed for muster and exercise; and shall keep at his place of abode, one pound of powder, and four pounds of ball, and bring the same into the field with him, when thereunto required. And every footman shall be furnished with a firelock, musket, or fuzee, well fixed, a bayonet fitted to the same, or a cutting sword or cutlass, a cartouch-box, and three charges of powder; and appear with the same at the time and place appointed for muster and exercise, as aforesaid; and shall also keep at his house, one pound of powder, and four pounds of ball; and bring the same into the field, when he shall be required."
- VI. "That all such free mulattos, negros, or Indians, as are or shall be listed, as aforesaid, shall appear without arms; and may be emploied as drummers, trumpeters, or pioneers, or in such other servile labour, as they shall be directed to perform." Under provision XI, soldiers are given 18 months to furnish themselves according to the act.
- VIII. It shall be lawful for the chief officer of the militia to order all persons listed therein, to go armed to their respective parish churches. Additionally, the chief officer shall appoint an officer and four men of the militia to patrol and visit all negro quarters, and other places suspected of entertaining unlawful assemblies of slaves, servants, or other disorderly persons.
- Arms exempt from seizures and distresses.
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