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 TWiki's AmLegalHist web The AmLegalHist web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise. Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2021-01-22T12:01:55Z WebNotify 2021-01-22T12:01:55Z EbenMoglen .WebChangesAlert, ., .TWikiRegistration (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen RailRoadEDIT 2020-08-15T16:02:12Z Takings and the Nineteenth Century Railroad Eaton v. Boston, Concord Montreal R.R. (B., C. M.R.R.): A New Hampshire Supreme Court Decision from 1872. by S. Dalal ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen PaulineAbijaoudeProject_LandGrants 2018-04-28T17:20:01Z PaulineAbijaoude 25 Apr 2018 The age of Congressional grants of land to railroads matured in the 1850s and rapidly declined in favor by the 1870s. This short period ... (last changed by PaulineAbijaoude) PaulineAbijaoude JohnOMearaProject_DumbLuck 2018-01-12T22:13:24Z No Suffrage, Little Attention; Nonetheless, Some Prosperity A wealthy half Black war veteran and frontiersman named George Washington Bush altered the course of history ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen BlackSuffrageInWATerritory 2017-12-04T21:16:00Z No Suffrage, Little Attention; Nonetheless, Some Prosperity A wealthy half Black war veteran and frontiersman named George Washington Bush altered the course of history ... (last changed by JohnOMeara) JohnOMeara JuliaGrabowskaProject_SolitaryConfinement 2017-10-23T19:35:27Z Origins of solitary confinement in the U.S. Origins Up until the end of the Revolutionary period, sanguinary punishments were used to penalize those who had ... (last changed by JuliaGrabowska) JuliaGrabowska JoseMirandaProject 2017-10-22T19:04:33Z JoseMiranda 15 Oct 2017 INTRODUCTION Contemporary legal education primarily teaches students how to "think like a lawyer" and present balanced and formulaic arguments ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen YashShahProject_CourtVsCountry 2017-07-05T17:52:39Z Court vs. Country: A Case Study of the First Bank of the United States A case of what? We never find out, barring the elusive mention in your last paragraph, ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen ZebJohnsonProject_MechanizationOfAgriculture 2017-04-18T22:32:52Z ZebulunJohnson 12 Jan 2017 Introduction As far back as Revolution, Americans have been concerned about labor displacement. This concern often manifests as fear directed ... (last changed by ZebulunJohnson) ZebulunJohnson BenMarcu-FightingForIndependenceAtTheFivePoints 2017-01-26T18:09:28Z FIGHTING FOR INDEPENDENCE AT THE FIVE POINTS: THE JULY 4TH AND 5TH RIOT OF 1857 By, Ben Marcu Abraham Florentine Jr. was just three blocks from his house when ... (last changed by BenjaminMarcu) BenjaminMarcu WebChanges 2017-01-23T21:07:25Z (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen WebHome 2017-01-23T21:05:12Z American Legal History its Materials Fall 2016 On Friday, 11 November, we will meet in WJWH 600, for one day only , to accommodate a conference being held in ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen WebLeftBar 2017-01-23T21:05:12Z " warn "off"}% (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen KenYangProject 2017-01-23T21:05:12Z The Monroe Doctrine and the Law of Nations: a brief History Ken Yang The fascinating aspect of the Monroe Doctrine comes from its duality. As Sexton points out, the ... (last changed by EbenMoglen) EbenMoglen GreatDepressionGoldSeizures 2016-12-27T05:06:46Z Great Depression Gold Seizures and the Rule of Law #8220;Hell, there are no rules around here. We #8217;re trying to accomplish something. #8221; #8211; Thomas ... (last changed by KevinHennecken) KevinHennecken ChicoSijmProject 2016-11-28T02:06:12Z Arbitration in New Netherland In the 17th century Dutch colony New Netherland, arbitration was used as a form of non court dispute resolution. Unlike contemporary ... (last changed by ChicoSijm) ChicoSijm