Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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PartFour 94 - 29 Apr 2011 - Main.TanishaMadrid
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META TOPICPARENT name="CompPrivConst"

Part Four:
Surveillance, Search and Seizure

Line: 840 to 840
 Sarah Lyall, For $1,000, Site Lets Celebrities Say It Ain’t So, NY Times, March 27, 2011
Andrew Ross Sorkin, Facebook May Hire Robert Gibbs, Former Obama Aide, NY Times, March 27, 2011
 Miguel Helft & Matt Richtel, Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington, NY Times, March 28, 2011

What a Gibbs Hire Might Mean for Facebook, video, NY Times, March 28, 2011

Revision 94r94 - 29 Apr 2011 - 02:59:00 - TanishaMadrid
Revision 93r93 - 29 Apr 2011 - 00:54:40 - TanishaMadrid
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