Law in Contemporary Society

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AimingAtAimfulness 7 - 21 Nov 2020 - Main.GregOrr
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META TOPICPARENT name="OldDiscussionMaterials"
I agree with Prof. Moglen that defining aims would help narrow our focus to manageable problems.
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 • We live on Earth in a broadly recognizable way, approaching ideals of goodness, fairness, and sustainability, and
• We expand infinitely in capability and knowledge, conquering scarcity and death on our way to complete freedom.
• We expand infinitely (or something, whether this involves outer space or not, e.g., substantially/totally/perfectly) in capability and knowledge, overcoming scarcity and death on our way to complete freedom/good-case/apotheosis.
I might attribute the first to Tharaud and more of the second to Cerriere. Views like these may underlie/contribute to our perceptions/orientations/approaches, some like Galileo and Jesus from Galilee, variably focused/oriented though plausibly consistent. I wonder if Galileo Galilei and Galilee is design-intended, perhaps with humor/sense, with respect to this kind of question of sun/Son centrality/orientation? Also, triangulation/generational through line of one's life and good for son/children, sun/Son/son. Is it useful to think about? Sprinkle in jokes lightly, like what's for lunch? Microcosm, macrocosm, my current circumstance, the present, short, medium, long-term future/goals, content and facility, is-ought wheel. I'm hydrated, got to clean my kitchen. Like part Roomba. Going to church today, it's All Saints' Day, a holy day of obligation. ... currently reading Paterson by William Carlos Williams, after seeing a flick I enjoyed called Paterson ...
I might attribute the first to Tharaud (or Woody, I guess) and more of the second to Cerriere (or Buzz, I guess, in that sort of sense). Views like these may underlie/contribute to our perceptions/orientations/approaches, some like Galileo and Jesus from Galilee, variably focused/oriented though plausibly consistent. I wonder if Galileo Galilei and Galilee is design-intended, perhaps with humor/sense, with respect to this kind of question of sun/Son centrality/orientation? Also, triangulation/generational through line of one's life and good for son/children, sun/Son/son (God/Jesus/heaven/angels stuff may be like Buzz-side in that kind of way, and/or cowboy?). Is it useful to think about? Sprinkle in jokes lightly, like what's for lunch? Be careful to not be offensive or problematic though. Is that split infinitive a problem? To not be or not to be is not that helpful a Hamlet joke... I'm funny... And watch out for Inspector Gadget Claw, if that's a thing. Microcosm, macrocosm, my current circumstance, the present, short, medium, long-term future/goals, content and facility, is-ought wheel, xy-field like what/why content/reason. I'm hydrated, got to clean my kitchen... like part Roomba. I like dogs and bookshelves, being decent/comfortable/happy, good content/moral / health/taste, family photo albums. Going to church today, it's All Saints' Day, a holy day of obligation. Currently reading Paterson by William Carlos Williams, after seeing a flick I enjoyed called Paterson. ... wonder stylings ...

-- GregOrr - 09 Apr 2009 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 7r7 - 21 Nov 2020 - 04:50:01 - GregOrr
Revision 6r6 - 02 Nov 2019 - 12:00:03 - GregOrr
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