Law in Contemporary Society

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AlexKonikSecondPaper 3 - 05 Jun 2012 - Main.SkylarPolansky
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondPaper"

You Know You Only Used To Get Juiced In It

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 (997 words)

(I would like to continue working on this paper, but please prioritize my first paper ahead of this for edits.)

I think this great Alex. Their is a clear trunk of an argument with many branches coming out which you explore nicely. I like the way you wove Bob Dylan into each section of the paper. I suggest deleting the word 'college' from your articulation of the creed. I think the creed of our society is that education (all possible levels of education, not just college education) is the ticket up. The more degrees one can amass the better. Especially because later your argument seems to be more focused on graduate school loans, stating the creed in terms of education (without the restriction of college) would be clearer.

-- SkylarPolansky 05 Jun 2012

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Revision 3r3 - 05 Jun 2012 - 23:07:05 - SkylarPolansky
Revision 2r2 - 05 Jun 2012 - 05:38:03 - AlexKonik
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