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CLSEducationReform 11 - 11 Feb 2010 - Main.NonaFarahnik
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 Some data points:

+ A graduate recently told me that Columbia switched from an Excellent/Very Good/Good grading system to a letter system sometime in the 90's, in response to concerns that students weren't as competitive with out of town firms.

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 Please use my letter as a template for your own letter to your student senator. Post your “Dear Representative” Letter here.

Dear Class,

PLEASE CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES. As a member of student senate I would love to hear your ideas about how we can improve our community. We have so much potential and talent surrounding us, and we know that some parts of the system are broken. This wiki is one of the few solutions I have encountered...We are lucky that so much of our class is conducted in this collaborative community. Let's leverage it to create some pressure where it is needed!

In terms of grade reform, form letters to Student Senate would be a great start. It will force the body to address this serious issue and decide how it would like to respond. As a class, we could also come up with comprehensive ideas and questions and meet with administrators. Perhaps even draft a letter to Dean Katz and others. I find it interesting that we are even talking about mid-semester feedback when some professors do not even give end of the semester feedback! I still can't really wrap my head around that one.

In my capacity as a student senator I have met with Dean MGK and other administrators to discuss some possible improvements to the law school's culture. I have come away with some observations: 1. Student Services is receptive to good ideas, but they need to some demand to actually take it to Dean Schizer/ the faculty. 2. The economic problem could be really advantageous for us. We pay a ton of money to be here and I think the administration wants/needs to be responsive. Now they are in a position where they have to make structural cost-neutral changes instead of buying some flat screens. 3. We won't get anywhere or do anything without planning well and speaking up.

-- NonaFarahnik - 11 Feb 2010


Actually, I might be able to chime in with some information on this issue. Last semester, a number of issues were raised on the Senate floor with regard to exam feedback. A lot of suggestions were made about how to increase the effectiveness of post-exam reviews, and what steps could be taken by professors to better convey to students how they can improve for the future. The minutes of the meeting can be read here.

Revision 11r11 - 11 Feb 2010 - 05:56:45 - NonaFarahnik
Revision 10r10 - 11 Feb 2010 - 03:45:42 - RonMazor
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