Law in Contemporary Society

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CourseIntroduction 5 - 01 Nov 2023 - Main.EbenMoglen
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General Introduction

This course explores two questions it's important to begin asking in the second semester of law school:

  1. How can I be creative in law school?
  1. How can I be creative in thinking about the types of work and the career paths that will make the most fulfilling life for me in the law?
  1. How can I be creative in thinking about the types of practice that will make the most fulfilling life for me in the law?
 Unfortunately, there are no other courses that put these questions at the center of their inquiry.

Law school's first semester, as you now know, consists of intensive language-learning by immersion. At the end, all students are fully capable of conversational lawtalk. The second term, building on that new linguistic basis, begins the process of the student's legal acculturation. But because the mode of instruction and evaluation do not change, students are left to conclude that their creativity in the new culture is unimportant or impossible. Dissuaded from imagining at all, students are by definition not reinforced in imagining their own future paths as seekers for and creators of justice. Career counseling is conducted as a bureaucratic process, divorced from the "intellectual" activity of feeding on doctrinal regurgitation supplemented by the vitamins of professorial brilliance.

This course was designed long ago as a remedy. Created originally, in 1990, in a moment of curricular reform by my friend and colleague Mark Barenberg and me as the required course "Perspectives in Modern Legal Thought," it has been refined, reshaped and repeatedly reinvented by me more or less every spring since. Once curricular retrogression and fragmentation returned to fashion, it became the 1L Elective "Law in Contemporary Society." The purpose of this course is to put our preexisting creativity to work on the twin goals of succeeding in law school and building vibrant, fulfilling careers as lawyers. Over the 35 years I have been teaching here, too many of the more than 5000 students I have taught wound up unhappy in their lawyering. Too many wound up as canned meat bought by the crate for consumption in "Big Law" practice. Too many lost the chance to have the practices they would have loved, because no one helped them learn how to start one. This is the time in law school when you can learn how to think powerfully not only about law, but about lawyering.
This course was designed long ago as a remedy. Created originally, in 1990, in a moment of curricular reform by my friend and colleague Mark Barenberg and me as the required course "Perspectives in Modern Legal Thought," it has been refined, reshaped and repeatedly reinvented by me more or less every spring since. Once curricular retrogression and fragmentation returned to fashion, it became the 1L Elective "Law in Contemporary Society." The purpose of this course is to put our preexisting creativity to work on the twin goals of succeeding in law school and building vibrant, fulfilling careers as lawyers. Over the 36 years I have been teaching here, too many of the more than 5000 students I have taught wound up unhappy in their lawyering. Too many wound up as canned meat bought by the crate for consumption in "Big Law" practice. Too many lost the chance to have the practices they would have loved, because no one helped them learn how to start one. This is the time in law school when you can learn how to think powerfully not only about law, but about lawyering.
 We don't read cases. statues, or regulations here. We are caught sidling through the law reviews only when they have something to say to our purpose, which is almost never. But we do read the literature of psychology, anthropology, philosophy and history, and we read the literature of lawyering—for, by, and about lawyers—for the purpose of thinking and drawing out of the box. We write together, in the course wiki, which also contains all the reading. There's formal writing: two essays of not more than 1,000 words on topics you choose, in at least two drafts. There's informal writing: the journal each student keeps, that only you and I can read, in which we can write about your learning exclusively, one to one. There's in-between writing in which we discuss the readings and our own writings collectively, commenting and rewriting and re-commenting and "refactoring," to come to consensus about what our reading leads us to. There is no exam.

Revision 5r5 - 01 Nov 2023 - 10:47:58 - EbenMoglen
Revision 4r4 - 31 Oct 2022 - 17:36:47 - EbenMoglen
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