Law in Contemporary Society

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DeathofGiantFirms 13 - 22 Jan 2008 - Main.ChristinaYoun
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The Death of the Giant Firm?

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  • Yes. I think your analysis would be right if your factual speculations were accurate. As the topic interests people, which it should, we'll talk about it in class on Wednesday.
    -- EbenMoglen - 22 Jan 2008

No matter what happens to big firms in general, it seems that there will be a market for lawyers trained a ivy and other top tiered schools. For some reason or another, society seems to place value in the so-called "pedigree" or status of a person, object, etc. Just looking at the "luxury goods" markets, why is there a market for Luis Vuitton and Chloe handbags when one can get the same bag with the same quality for about $1000 less? Why is there a market for BMW and Mercedes-Benz when one can purchase a Honda or Toyota for half the price of the former? I am not saying that everyone or even many people will opt for the more expensive option, but I do think that there will be a substantial amount of demand, at least enough demand to allow for the perpetuation of the current system in place. I think there is something to be said about the value society places on the name attached to certain institutions and the price it is willing to pay for them. Even with all the increased competition from lawyers of other countries, I feel that there will still be a market for lawyers "top tier schools."

-- ChristinaYoun - 22 Jan 2008


Revision 13r13 - 22 Jan 2008 - 18:53:03 - ChristinaYoun
Revision 12r12 - 22 Jan 2008 - 17:26:02 - EbenMoglen
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