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EarlyInterviewProgram 23 - 24 Jun 2010 - Main.NonaFarahnik
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 My question at the EIP meeting: Will we also be given information about which firms deferred CLS students?

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 Though I'm a bit late in commenting on this, I whole-heartedly agree with Stephanie's point. I actually found the student's suggestion that OCS was somehow colluding with firms to suppress information to be offensive. Perhaps, though, this is attributal to my interactions with OCS staff -- from Petal to some of the counselors -- where I have seen nothing but genuine concern for students as we try to navigate this tumultuous time. The fact is, if one doesn't consider a certain career choice to be a viable option, one has the power to steer the course in a different direction. If one's broader feeling is that the fact that hundreds of young lawyers have been laid off during the recession gives one pause and concern about working at a firm, that is certainly acceptable. It doesn't take OCS to provide a comprehensive report outlining furloughs and deferments for one to know this -- a quick google or Above the Law search will quickly reveal this information in detail. Petal's unwillingness to engage in a debate with the student essentially about why one should or shouldn't work at a firm was, to me, appropriate. While students certainly should have had, or should have, that conversation with OCS at some point, that forum was not the appropriate time or place.

-- JenniferGreen - 24 Jun 2010


Well, since I think I am the student -- Nona -- referred to, I would like to respond. I want to participate in EIP. In order to participate, you need to rank firms for a lottery. I wanted to know if there would be information about which firms have deferred CLS students so that I could make my decisions with such data in mind. I don't think it was a debate about why one should or should not work at a firm-- actually, there was no debating. I might not be that student since I didn't make any comment about collusion, but I am not sure who else you are referring to. Anyway, don't mean to get into an argument, just wanted to clarify how my question-- "will we also be getting data on which firms deferred students? -- is being characterized

-- NonaFarahnik - 24 Jun 2010

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Revision 23r23 - 24 Jun 2010 - 22:22:44 - NonaFarahnik
Revision 22r22 - 24 Jun 2010 - 14:36:36 - JenniferGreen
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