Law in Contemporary Society

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EarlyInterviewProgram 25 - 25 Jun 2010 - Main.NonaFarahnik
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My question at the EIP meeting: Will we also be given information about which firms deferred CLS students?
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 Hi Nona, you actually are not the student I was referring to. The student I'm referring to was the gentlemen who asked something along the lines of, "Why are you defending the firms?" I thought your question was value-added; if, in fact, there were statistics all students would benefit from knowing this. However, thinly-veiled questions about the merits of working at firm are counter-productive at a meeting where people have already decided that, at the very least, they have some curiosity or would like to keep their options open. I hope that clarifies my comments.

-- JenniferGreen - 25 Jun 2010


Thanks Jennifer smile This question has caused me way more grief than I expected so I am sorry if I took that personally.

-- NonaFarahnik - 25 Jun 2010

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Revision 25r25 - 25 Jun 2010 - 03:08:04 - NonaFarahnik
Revision 24r24 - 25 Jun 2010 - 02:16:30 - JenniferGreen
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