Law in Contemporary Society

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GradeChangeToPassFail 6 - 27 Mar 2020 - Main.JakeGlendenning
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Grade Change to Pass/Fail

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 I am really happy that the faculty listened to the concerns of students and made the grades P/F. Considering 40-70% of our will most likely get infected, even if we feel fine right now, there is no way to know how we will feel come finals. I think another stressor is the financial situation brought about by coronavirus. Both my parents own small businesses and are really beginning to feel the pressure of the virus on their businesses. Having P/F grades can give me a sense of certainty knowing that it is okay to study sometimes and to not at others, be able to enjoy the time I have with my family, and also feel free to pitch in to try to help them out. It's all very new and every day seems like a completely different scenario, so switching to P/F has eased a lot of the stress that I used to have about law school.

-- MonaMosavi - 27 Mar 2020


I think I generally feel the same as everyone else here. That said, the change in grading policy might present us with an opportunity. Based on the comments here, we all seem used to grades being our primary motivation to perform in law school. Perhaps we can consider other forms of motivation so that we can do well here.

-- JakeGlendenning - 27 Mar 2020

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Revision 6r6 - 27 Mar 2020 - 14:29:49 - JakeGlendenning
Revision 5r5 - 27 Mar 2020 - 02:49:48 - MonaMosavi
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