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GradingProfessors 5 - 15 Feb 2010 - Main.RobLaser
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a.k.a. Grading Professors So WE Get Better Feedback

Students grade professors through course evaluation forms. Maybe we can use these forms to get better feedback from our professors. (The irony that the feedback we give them is already way more instructive than the feedback we receive is not lost on me.) Anyway, through the evaluation forms we give feedback on many different aspects of the professor's performance, but we don't give feedback on how good their feedback to us is. Maybe if we successfully lobby for a "rate your professor's feedback" box on the evaluation forms, we can begin to establish feedback as an important part of a professor's job.

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 Also, I'm not sure how much benefit they would have even for us, especially during first year when we can't pick our classes anyways. Don't we know that we're not going to get feedback just by the nature of law school itself? Until that changes, I'm not sure how much there will be to say. The eval will say 'you take one test and don't get any feedback on it', we will say 'yes I know it's like almost every other class I could have told you that.' So we need to figure out how to change the norm, not just talk about it. But like I said, it also couldn't hurt anything, especially if some professors do change in response to evaluations, so I would support it regardless-- just not as the only way to solve the problem.

-- RorySkaggs - 15 Feb 2010


I think this is a place to start. It is an easy way to get our words to our intended audience (the administration, faculty, and students). I don't think we should turn down any vehicle to make our words heard.

@Rory- I seem to have misunderstood the extent to which you were criticizing the suggestion. There does not seem to be much disagreement between us.

-- RobLaser - 15 Feb 2010


Revision 5r5 - 15 Feb 2010 - 03:58:30 - RobLaser
Revision 4r4 - 15 Feb 2010 - 02:17:05 - RorySkaggs
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