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Vicarious Trauma in Public Interest Lawyering:

-- By IlanaDutton - 15 Feb 2023


Someone once told me that I was "empathic to a fault". When I looked offended, they qualified the statement, explaining that while being empathetic is what makes me a great friend, it also means I take on other people's issues and problems as my own, even if my cup was already full of my own problems. NEED A TRANSITION SENTENCE HERE.

In my junior year of college, as an intern with Northwest Immigrants Rights Project, I took every case home with me. I'm not referring to the physical case file, but instead to the emotional baggage that each case inevitably came with. It quickly started impacting every aspect of my life, including my relationships with the people around me. People in the office would talk about "self-care" but those felt like empty words to me, since going on walks, exercising, and making time for friends, which are my versions of self-care, just did not seem to be cutting it with what I was experiencing. By the time I finished my internship in May of my senior year, I was feeling detached from the work I was doing, since it was the only way I could protect myself, but it also made me worse at my job. I was putting in less effort and it was clear in my work, but I did not have the tools to handle the situation any other way.

I did not have the language to understand what I was experiencing until I began working as a legal assistant at Her Justice in New York City after graduating college. During my second week at the organization, our on-staff social worker did a training with me on "vicarious trauma", which was a term I had never heard before. As she was explaining the concept to me, which I hope to do for all of you in the next section, pieces started falling into place and the last two years began to make more sense. Once I had the language and realized that other people were experiencing the same thing, I felt less alone and more equipped to approach the issue head-on instead of pushing it aside.

Unfortunately, just learning the term "vicarious trauma" did not solve all of my problems. It gave me the language to understand what I was experiencing and that I was not alone in it, but I still struggled in balancing empathy, which is one of the things that made me good at my job and maintaining healthy boundaries that would make the type of work I want to do sustainable.

What is Vicarious Trauma? -- focus on law review/data articles

Thinking about the future -- focus on this summer and beyond

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Revision 1r1 - 15 Feb 2023 - 15:40:21 - IlanaDutton
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