Law in Contemporary Society

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JenniferMortonFirstEssay 3 - 01 Apr 2021 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

History of Abortion Law in the US

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 This topic is continuing to evolve as state legislatures make attempts to rollback abortion rights.

The way to make this better is to get your ideas into it. This is one potted survey of the history of abortion, followed by two summaries of cases, with some anodyne sentences that could have appeared anywhere jammed around them, followed by the last sentence which one could hardly call a conclusion.

You have some sources located to start your thinking. You could actually study the cases. (I think if you had read into Planned Parenthood v. Casey you probably would have noticed I filed an amicus brief in it, for example, which would have given you some more ideas you could have taken further here.) But most important of all are the ideas these sources lead you to, the ones the reader can't get from somewhere else by Googling, the ones that you have made yourself. Put those into the next draft and we will have something valuable to work with.


Works Cited

Why in writing for the web could these not have been links, to allow the reader to see your sources as they are used, with one click?

 1. Mohr, J. C. (1979). Abortion in America: The origins and evolution of national policy. 2. Swanson, K. W. (2015). The doctor's dilemma: Paternalisms in the medicolegal history of assisted reproduction and abortion. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43(2), 312-325. doi:10.1111/jlme.12247 3. Griswold v. Connecticut

Revision 3r3 - 01 Apr 2021 - 18:04:26 - EbenMoglen
Revision 2r2 - 01 Mar 2021 - 04:51:16 - JenniferMorton
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