Law in Contemporary Society

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JusticeForWhom 4 - 25 Apr 2018 - Main.VanessaAjagu
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Justice for whom?
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Nadia, I too have struggled with the conception of justice. Seeing blatant sexism construed as culture in Nigeria and evident racism guised as equality in America has made me contemplate the meaning of justice.

I believe justice is simultaneously subjective and objective. Subjective in its implementation because as Cecilia alluded to, the means of attaining it may take different paths (I may use legislation, you may use litigation). However, I strongly believe in its objectivity.

Justice means justice. Because white supremicists believe there is equality in America doesn't change the fact that there isn't. Analogize this to using prescription glasses. Comparable to those with blurry sight, individuals come with biases that are formed through socialization. However, nobody argues that because a short-sighted person can’t see past 10 feet without glasses, that there isn’t a car or a house 10 feet away. Similarly, distorted views of justice or the lack thereof, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

The FBI in labelling "Black Lives Matter" as a terrorist organization, and Trump praising white supremicists as "very fine people" is the outcome of, as MLK says, “a fantasy of self-deception and comfortable vanity.” Surely, Trump’s take on immigration, religion, race, and gender are rooted in his distorted reality of the world around him - I’m sure he doesn’t consider himself racist or sexist. Yet, that doesn’t change the reality of what justice is.

Justice is fairly objective, people are often just myopic and require glasses to see it as it is. With my understanding of justice, the issue becomes how to make people see justice for what it really is. That, I am still unsure of.

-- VanessaAjagu - 25 Apr 2018

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Revision 4r4 - 25 Apr 2018 - 02:24:18 - VanessaAjagu
Revision 3r3 - 31 Jan 2018 - 23:01:19 - EbenMoglen
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