Law in Contemporary Society

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LeylaHadiFirstPaper 4 - 31 Mar 2013 - Main.LeylaHadi
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 Distorted version: I am actually not sure what I would like to do. I definitely find areas of practice interesting, including IP and labor law, but I haven't had enough exposure to really be able to say at this time.
Truth: I have no idea where I see myself taking my career; and I have no idea what type of law I see myself practicing. Yes, there are a ton of areas I could potentially find interesting: LGBT rights, immigration reform, criminal justice system reform, advocating against the death penalty, advocating for the legalization of marijuana, education reform, working with music leasing, bringing down evil corporations, working on US-Pakistan relations, representing the Lakers, representing celebrities, abortion… there is so much I am interested in but again, there's a gun to my head. I can't just jump from each area like I live in some kind of gargantuan legal rotational system. I have to go down a path; and, despite the many possibilities listed above, the path probably won't include any of the above. I'll probably end up working at a firm, hopefully not a big one, and go where the path then takes me. Drags me?
Truth: I have no idea where I see myself taking my career; and I have no idea what type of law I see myself practicing. I want to figure it out, and the classes thus far have done little to help. Granted, there are a ton of resources here, from professors, to clinics, to courses. But how does any of it help me decide, help me with the choice? How will working at your firm this summer guide me? It won't. LGBT rights, immigration reform, criminal justice system reform, advocating against the death penalty, advocating for the legalization of marijuana, education reform, working with music leasing, bringing down evil corporations, working on US-Pakistan relations, representing the Lakers, representing celebrities, abortion… there is so much I am interested in but again, there's a gun to my head. I can't just jump from each area like I live in some kind of gargantuan legal rotational system. I have to go down a path. Even if I do end up working at a firm, how do I know where to go that will help me learn about any of the above?
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What I Want

My career isn't the most important thing to me. It's a shame that it is for so many people.
My career isn't the most important thing to me. I don't want it to be. But I want it to be important, and I want it to be meaningful, and I don't think I want to be "influential".

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I'll do what I end up doing, and yes, it will probably be a big part of my life; but the people in my life are more important. If I can come home to the person I love every day for the rest of my life, who cares what I do to make some money so that we can live comfortably; no, well. If we can be good parents and be in love with our kids, and make sure that they have the best life possible, then I'll do what I have to do for a while. And then, maybe I can do some of the more interesting stuff, when I can afford to.
The people in my life are more important. And naive as it may seem, I believe I have found the person I want to walk through this ridiculous and magical and abysmal world with; and so for me, to deal with the practical, real world stuff, I want to be able to make money so that we can live well. That includes paying off debt, which is something I've never had to deal with before, and terrifies the crap out of me. I'll do what I have to do for a while. And then, I can do some of the more interesting stuff, when I can afford to. But I have realized that meaning in my life will also, necessarily, derive from work. So since I am here, and I have two years to go, I better do what I can to figure it out.

Revision 4r4 - 31 Mar 2013 - 23:05:48 - LeylaHadi
Revision 3r3 - 26 Mar 2013 - 20:06:42 - EbenMoglen
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