Law in Contemporary Society

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LeylaHadiFirstPaper 5 - 08 Apr 2013 - Main.LeylaHadi
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How the Hell Do I Get There

Maybe it is my general pessimistic attitude about the world and how forces of evil are more powerful than forces of good, even though the forces of good are still definitely forces, creating change, moving us forward as a civilization in which people are more important than the whims and fancies of corporations and governments.
I do have a general pessimistic attitude about the world, and do believe that forces of evil have made the world, and will continue to make the world, a very bad and sad place. But my last draft was defeatist nonsense, and I don't know why I realized that so soon after reading the comments, or why I had convinced myself of that for so long. I don't know as yet if I will actually accomplish change in the grand scheme of things -- if I will make an impact on the world at large, or at least, some part of the ridiculous system and structure through which we march on. But, I should do good, for a few people, for people who need it. I should because I believe in good, and because I will be in a position to do good.
But this realization brings about a barrage of other questions and issues to sort out and really figure out. If I know that I need to be an employee for the next few years, if I know that I want to make money to get this phantom Debt out of my head and to eventually support a family, how will I figure out what I really want to do and how do I utilize the next two years at this establishment to help me get there? The next steps seem so rigid. I don't want to be boxed up doing just one thing.
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Maybe I have realized that the structure of the way we exist as humans is totally absurd and mind-boggling, and we just have to do what we can to fit into it and play by its rules, and live in society, and go to school, and get a job, and have a family. Maybe I just don't think that it's worth my time to fight for a miniscule piece of change in this giant system of ridiculousness and wrongs right now, and that, right now, I need to pay off my debts, find a job that will sponsor my work visa, and try and learn as much as I can while I do it. Learn what not to become maybe – there's sometimes more value in that than learning what to become.
Maybe, but done at the start of one's adult life, it's not very informative, when so much else remains to be decided on the basis of so little.

I suppose the answer to what kind of lawyer I want to be is a happy one. When we first received the prompt for this assignment, I wrote down the various topic ideas that came to mind, either through reading cases or general observations. For example, I thought of manslaughter and how sad it is that someone can be thrown into prison for a pure accident,
Are you sure that's a fair characterization of the elements of a manslaughter conviction?

and why it exists and how to change it. But I'm sure thousands of people have had the same thoughts, and yet, it still exists. Change is hard. Right now, I can't worry about changing a world that might not exist tomorrow. I can just worry about me and the people I love.

I don't understand the two instances of "worry" in this sentence as

Revision 5r5 - 08 Apr 2013 - 23:33:55 - LeylaHadi
Revision 4r4 - 31 Mar 2013 - 23:05:48 - LeylaHadi
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