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List of Sites Offering Product and Deal Related Information

-- DanBryan - 23 May 2008


The page is a list of websites and forums which offer advice and information to would-be shoppers on how to obtain the best price on a particular product or service. Some of the sites listed consist mainly of members posting or discussing deals that they have seen, while others are primarily compilations of advertised specials supplied by the merchants themselves. I have included a short description next to each site on the list. If available, I have also linked to a corresponding Wikipedia page.

While this page was created to supplement my second paper, "Swindling The Seller? YMMV," I hope that there are some potential bargain hunters in the class who may also find it useful. This said, please use some caution. Not every “deal” listed on the sites below will be a good one. Some may even be fraudulent. Shop around and treat the below sites as another source of information to use when evaluating a potential purchase. Lastly, please keep in mind that most (if not all) of these sites are in operation to make money. They will track your clicks and purchases to the extent that you allow them to do so – some, like FatWallet or Ebates, explicitly encourage such tracking (and registration) by giving cash back for purchases made through their sites.

This list is not all-encompassing or complete. All are welcome to add to it and edit it.

Forums for Posting and Discussing Deals:

Fatwallet (Hot Deals Forum): This forum allows users to post and discuss exceptional deals on any matter of goods and services. The site collects click-through revenues and also posts merchant advertisements. Members can have a portion of the site’s commission paid to them for any items they buy after linking from the site. Wikipedia Link.

FragileDeals: This private and exclusive forum was created to mitigate the tragedy of the commons problems that often “kill” deals when they are posted on large public forums (such as a large and sudden volume of sales leading a merchant to kill a loss-leader or cancel orders based off a price mistake). Membership may be offered to those willing to blindly submit an exceptional deal for the use of the site’s current membership.

SlickDeals (Hot Deals Forum): This forum allows users to post and discuss deals on a variety of goods and services. The site collects click-through revenues and allows some advertising.

Websites Compiling and Listing Deals:

BensBargains: A listing of sales and deals on a variety of products. The site is funded through link commissions and direct advertising. The un-moderated forums tend to be filled with trolls and listings will often be items posted at their regular prices. Wikipedia Link.

Ebates: A listing of stores, coupons, and specials. While the site is funded through link commissions and advertisements of the listed stores, site members who purchase items receive a percent of the commission as a rebate.

XPBargains: A listing of sales, items, and coupon codes, primarily related to technology products. The sites is funded through link commissions and advertising.

Search Engines for Finding Product Prices:

Google Product Search (formerly Froogle): Allows users to search for products to find the best price on a particular items. Also allows users to search for product and merchant reviews. Textual advertisements appear with any search results. Wikipedia Link.

PriceGrabber: This site is primarily a search engine to allow users to find the best price on a particular product. This site is funded through link commissions and advertising. The site encourages users (sometimes with mail in rebates) to submit product reviews on listed items. Wikipedia Link.

PriceWatch: Allows users to search for the best price on particular items, which a strong focus on computer related hardware and software.

Reviews for Products and Merchants:

Epinions: This website has member reviews on a variety of products, along with pricing information. Wikipedia Link.

Fatwallet (Product Reviews Forum): This forum allows members to ask questions about a particular product or to post reviews. Wikipedia Link.

PriceGrabber: This site has user reviews for many different products and encourages users who purchase through the sites to write such reviews, often by offering a $5 mail in rebate for a review on a product that has few current reviews. Wikipedia Link.

ResellerRatings: This website tracks a variety of online stores and allows members to submit merchant reviews based off their recent purchases. Valid order numbers and information are required in order to submit a review, which consists of numerical rankings and written comments. Wikipedia Link.

SlickDeals (Product Reviews Forum): This forum allows members to post product reviews, request product reviews, and to request information about how different products compare to each other.


Revision 1r1 - 23 May 2008 - 03:53:44 - DanBryan
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