Law in Contemporary Society

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RaceVClass 42 - 11 Apr 2012 - Main.PrashantRai
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 I realize this is going to be a pretty damn controversial post, but I feel compelled to speak on the subject. I sometimes become concerned that classism becomes too easily conflated with racism in our world.

There's many draws to calling a certain policy racist:

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 -- MeaganBurrows - 11 Apr 2012

I don't think you meant to imply this, But when you say "as a woman, I also accept complicity in perpetuating the system. Women themselves are often just as complicit as men in proliferating stereotypes," are you suggesting that, by analogy, minorities are equally to blame for the existence of white privilege? In what way do minorities benefit from a system of white privilege in the same way that white people do? It is in that sense I use the word "complicit," so I guess I fail to see your point when you say "this complicity is what unites us." I know you said that you don't mean to imply that minorities are responsible for or the cause of white supremacy, but then I guess I don't understand what the above quoted statement means since it seems to very straightforwardly imply that minorities are somewhat responsible for white supremacy.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="American_Juggalo.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1334173616" name="American_Juggalo.pdf" path="American Juggalo.pdf" size="3890596" stream="American Juggalo.pdf" user="Main.MatthewCollins" version="1"

Revision 42r42 - 11 Apr 2012 - 20:17:12 - PrashantRai
Revision 41r41 - 11 Apr 2012 - 20:11:36 - MeaganBurrows
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