Law in Contemporary Society

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RaceVClass 48 - 12 Apr 2012 - Main.JanePetersen
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 I realize this is going to be a pretty damn controversial post, but I feel compelled to speak on the subject. I sometimes become concerned that classism becomes too easily conflated with racism in our world.

There's many draws to calling a certain policy racist:

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  -- GechiNzewi - 12 Apr 2012
I felt compelled to add to this discussion because I was so impressed with how articulate and respectful it is even while disagreeing over some of the most controversial and personal issues (racism, classism, sexism) we'll confront. I wish our national discourse was respectful and high-minded.

With that personal diatribe out of the way, I wanted to add an article I read a couple weeks ago that this discussion reminded me of. A NYT op-ed by Rich Benjamin, The Gated Community Mentality, talks about the Zimmerman case in terms not only of race, but also class, age, property ownership, etc. As an outsider in a gated community, according to this piece, Trayvon Martin was in danger owing to a confluence of many factors, race being one. "Residents’ palpable satisfaction with their communities’ virtue and their evident readiness to trumpet alarm at any given “threat” create a peculiar atmosphere — an unholy alliance of smugness and insecurity. In this us-versus-them mental landscape, them refers to new immigrants, blacks, young people, renters, non-property-owners and people perceived to be poor."

If you read the whole article, you may find Benjamin's mathematics to be problematic, and some of his conclusions to be ill-evidenced (how did Zimmerman know Martin wasn't a resident in such a big community? were there no other children in the community?), but there's something to be said for expanding the dialogue to merely a white vs. black one. Certainly racism was a problem, but perhaps not the only one. The full article is here:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="American_Juggalo.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1334173616" name="American_Juggalo.pdf" path="American Juggalo.pdf" size="3890596" stream="American Juggalo.pdf" user="Main.MatthewCollins" version="1"

Revision 48r48 - 12 Apr 2012 - 19:35:26 - JanePetersen
Revision 47r47 - 12 Apr 2012 - 06:08:08 - GechiNzewi
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