Law in Contemporary Society

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RobinsonsMetamorphosisTalk 1 - 27 Feb 2008 - Main.CarinaWallance
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-- CarinaWallance - 27 Feb 2008 I though to post some thoughts on the parallels between the Lawyerland piece and the Metamorphosis that may help start a discussion. Clearly the theme of alienation is a central issue - expressed not only through the descriptions of the inside of the prisons but also the location on an island apart from the rest of the world. The insect's reclusion in his room - and perhaps even his diminishing size - I believe also play into the idea of relieving others from the burden and acknowledgment of his existence. The reference to a young public defender who hasn't yet learned to be patient evokes the eroding patience of the insect's caretaker - but I am not sure exactly what to do with that. Another issue that stuck out was the discussion of the identity of the 'criminals' - what is a murderer or a rapist like. As though part of the alienation process of incarceration, also involves the dehumanization of those it sends off.

So what of the lawyers then? I recall reading Metamorphosis in high school as part of our discussion of the alienating and dehumanizing effects industrialization had on the work force - are certain practices prone to such separation? Is that what happens if they sell their licenses? Can lawyers be detached from the justice system itself? From the realities of what the law is? Surely if lawyers changed into prisoners they would have a better idea of what the law is - would they then know it as Holmes' 'bad man'? (Please correct me if this is completely off and point the discussion in the right direction!)

(sorry - i accidentally did something wrong creating this topic - I can't figure out how to delete the first version, if someone can please go ahead - I hope I didn't mess anything up)

-- CarinaWallance - 27 Feb 2008


Revision 1r1 - 27 Feb 2008 - 04:55:05 - CarinaWallance
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