Law in Contemporary Society

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RorySkaggsFirstPaper 3 - 25 Feb 2010 - Main.RorySkaggs
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 like many other things, need to protect us from ourselves used to believe we could drive everything into extinction (dodos or oil), but not sustainable so law needs to protect, and someone needs to push it, because business wont do it for us
1) we dont live in the ecosystem naturally, so need to control and 2)went from livelihood to business, and business will harm so need to regulate
 like any other area at the fringes, often misunderstood and belittled (need to develop)

RorySkaggsFirstPaper 2 - 25 Feb 2010 - Main.RorySkaggs
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 just one example of how regulating interaction with animals affects us all most people first think companion animals- talk about stats regarding child abuse, elderly abuse, serial killers, etc but also factory farming- talk about effects on ecosystem- intense farming leads to xyz- cow farts
effects on humans- disease outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, etc., but even just taste, horrible from an animal lover point of view but important to someone who eats meat (link everything)
effects on humans- loss of local farms/employment, disease outbreaks, cancer, antibiotic resistance, etc., but even just taste, horrible from an animal lover point of view but important to someone who eats meat (link everything)
 explain how in economic speak this is externalities like any big business selling product, convinces us that low price is all that matters we bear the cost, but either because of ignorance or invisibility we dont care

RorySkaggsFirstPaper 1 - 25 Feb 2010 - Main.RorySkaggs
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Paper Title

-- By RorySkaggs - 25 Feb 2010

Intro Common comments about animal/law humans are more important we have bigger problems in the world who cares ok fine. where does that leave us?

First Section part 1 intro to the cove reasons why it could be important: explain the guys life explain the dolphin stealing (link to seaworld article) explain the slaughter say why all these things could be important, but arent even the point because of the mercury

part 2 just one example of how regulating interaction with animals affects us all most people first think companion animals- talk about stats regarding child abuse, elderly abuse, serial killers, etc but also factory farming- talk about effects on ecosystem- intense farming leads to xyz- cow farts effects on humans- disease outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, etc., but even just taste, horrible from an animal lover point of view but important to someone who eats meat (link everything) explain how in economic speak this is externalities like any big business selling product, convinces us that low price is all that matters we bear the cost, but either because of ignorance or invisibility we dont care

section 2 part 1 so why does law matter? first obvious reason, animals cant control it themselves like many other things, need to protect us from ourselves used to believe we could drive everything into extinction (dodos or oil), but not sustainable so law needs to protect, and someone needs to push it, because business wont do it for us like any other area at the fringes, often misunderstood and belittled (need to develop)

part 2 notice that weve said nothing about morals or ethics dont need schweitzer or hinduism or buddhism or christianity/dominion can think animals exist purely at our disposal still need to manage, meaning regulate, because it effects everyone we need control because we cant understand how our actions effect the world, so law needs to slow us down (need to develop)

conclusion dont need to support those who advocate for animals may think its all emotion, but really it benefits everyone there may be only one or two people per town who do it, but it needs to be done

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Revision 3r3 - 25 Feb 2010 - 15:08:19 - RorySkaggs
Revision 2r2 - 25 Feb 2010 - 04:39:19 - RorySkaggs
Revision 1r1 - 25 Feb 2010 - 03:02:18 - RorySkaggs
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