Law in Contemporary Society

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StephenSeveroFirstPaper 7 - 02 Mar 2010 - Main.DRussellKraft
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 Also, most of the links are not directly relevant to the text, but instead are various things that I was thinking about as I wrote the paper. Interesting, but often tenuously connected at best.

  • Conceptually, I have a hard time buying that people are not writing because they're afraid of missteps. Sure, at the margins, fear I might be judged might make me not put something in writing (notably in email), but you have very little evidence to back up the idea that the work of Kafka and Dickinson and Vergil and (maybe more importantly) everything that has been built creatively upon it would have been worth losing to society. It's fairly obvious to me that we grow more by interaction than by lone rumination, and so I have difficulty accepting your claim to the opposite without much more than conjecture to back it up. Finally, as a practical matter, how would you suggest I should have made my brainstorming public? It was going on in my head. Absent using the TWiki editor and saving every few minutes (I happen to prefer a classical text editor, but considered that route), what could have made my work more public? -- DTRK - 01 Mar 2010
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  • Conceptually, I have a hard time buying that people are not writing because they're afraid of missteps. Sure, at the margins, fear I might be judged might make me not put something in writing (notably in email), but you have very little evidence to back up the idea that the work of Kafka and Dickinson and Vergil and (maybe more importantly) everything that has been built creatively upon it would have been worth losing to society. It's fairly obvious to me that we grow more by interaction than by lone rumination, and so I have difficulty accepting your claim to the opposite without much more than conjecture to back it up. Finally, as a practical matter, how would you suggest I should have made my brainstorming public? It was going on in my head. Other than using the TWiki editor and saving every few minutes (I happen to prefer a classical text editor, but considered that route), what could have made my work more public? -- DTRK - 01 Mar 2010
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Revision 7r7 - 02 Mar 2010 - 01:26:37 - DRussellKraft
Revision 6r6 - 01 Mar 2010 - 22:24:29 - DRussellKraft
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