Law in Contemporary Society

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TashaylaBordenSecondEssay 12 - 16 Sep 2024 - Main.StevenRaphan
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Black Tongues Can Lick (Wounds), Too

 Through words and expression, Black women can carve a space for coalition-building in the face of exclusion and ultimately go where we are loved and desired, knowing we cherish, love, and value one another. Ideologies within the Black community, argued by some to be mere words, directly tie into the lives of Black women. Words call out deeper truths. We see this when Black is called the n-word. It escapes to the psyche, even implicitly. As Black women, we must use our words to engage in radical sisterhood by sharing our experiences, create conscious-raising spaces, and educate ourselves in the global struggle against misogynoir.
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Revision 12r12 - 16 Sep 2024 - 15:30:39 - StevenRaphan?
Revision 11r11 - 01 Jun 2023 - 02:49:28 - TashaylaBorden
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