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WaderBiermannGermanProtest 3 - 04 Feb 2009 - Main.AndrewCase
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Wader -- West German protest singer we heard singing the Internationale today
 Biermann -- East German protest singer and exiled by Honecker

  • No, this confuses
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  Napoleon, and was sung in 1848 and against Bismarck. See my Berlin lecture of 2004.
It would be to say that the Internationale was being sung simply to bind the group together (or that the band played Waltzing Matilda in order to distract the crowd from the horror of war and serve them easy patriotism). But I am skeptical of what is easy to say.
It would be easy to say that the Internationale was being sung simply to bind the group together (or that the band played Waltzing Matilda in order to distract the crowd from the horror of war and serve them easy patriotism). But I am skeptical of what is easy to say.

I was unclear, I suppose. I did not mean to conflate but to compare Wader and Biermann. Does a West German anti-capitalist have more in common with an East German anti-socialist, or with the socialists in power in the East? I think there is something in the performance itself, rather than the content of the particular song, that matters.

I think that what both performers are doing is defying in an act, and that they are essentially arguing against the system in place rather than for any specific alternative (Wader was too smart to miss the failings of the East; Biermann was not promoting American capitalism).


-- AndrewCase - 04 Feb 2009

Revision 3r3 - 04 Feb 2009 - 13:13:56 - AndrewCase
Revision 2r2 - 04 Feb 2009 - 12:18:17 - EbenMoglen
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