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BradleyMullinsSecondPaper 4 - 24 Jan 2010 - Main.EbenMoglen
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Taking Your Online Social Network Into the Streets

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Finding a Balance

Location-based social networks offer a number of potential benefits, but at the cost of privacy. Because these services are based upon the utilization of user's location, however, most users will likely at least consider the impact they may have on privacy before signing up. For this reason, the privacy concerns are somewhat less alarming than those presented by other services that record and use users location in a more clandestine manner, such as Sprint's sharing of customer information. As for location-based social networks, if their use actually result in more people engaging in face-to-face communication, perhaps that benefit will outweigh the privacy cost.

  • Bradley, you have to be kidding. Surely it occurs to you that a flat-foot conclusion that there is any goddam reason at all even to consider entering into an absurd devil's bargain like this is plainly only possible for a single person trying to get laid? Grown-up married people with families do not need the services this hypothetical bargain offers them, because they don't lead a life of casual pack socializing and hookups, and don't particularly want to broadcast the location of their children to anyone who might be cracking into social network geolocation services. Grown-up single people do not need this crap because they value their privacy and have long since gotten past the awkward years of not knowing how to get laid. So there's a particular period in life in which this high-risk activity would seem like an almost good idea to someone. You might want to narrow down the analysis to the range it really needs.
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Revision 4r4 - 24 Jan 2010 - 22:37:24 - EbenMoglen
Revision 3r3 - 18 Jan 2010 - 07:19:48 - BradleyMullins
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