Law in the Internet Society

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DanaDelgerFirstPaper 4 - 20 Nov 2009 - Main.JustinColannino
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First off, I really enjoyed this piece.

However, the last part of the last paragraph left me with a question: how does the satisfaction of every desire lead to the dissolution of society? I think it may be hinted at with the first sentience of that paragraph, and the dream censor theme. Maybe the answer is that I should go and read Civilization and Its Discontents, but I think that if you can fit in a little more about that concept without spoiling other parts (and please don't spoil them: the piece is elegant and powerful) it could benefit the reader.

Also, although I would hesitate to introduce another thinker on the topic, I believe that Holmes may speak to a similar point about desire and society in Natural Law that could be drawn on if you wish.

-- JustinColannino - 20 Nov 2009


# * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = TWikiAdminGroup, DanaDelger

Revision 4r4 - 20 Nov 2009 - 14:56:46 - JustinColannino
Revision 3r3 - 19 Nov 2009 - 13:40:05 - DanaDelger
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