Law in the Internet Society

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GraspingTheNetTalk 3 - 26 Sep 2009 - Main.JonathanBoyer
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-- BrettJohnson - 25 Sep 2009


Deep thoughts, by Jack Handy. Just kidding.

Brett's thoughts are undoubtedly rational. For some reason, though, the proposed co-mingling of subjectivity and rationality ("humans are rational in that they act in any given situation in a manner that they subjectively believe") doesn't quite compile fully, at least for me. It seems like you could replace all the above instances of the word "rational" with the word "irrational" and the argument remains essentially the same. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that humans are calculating; behavior is not random. Personally, I think many kinds of human emotion transcend the predictable inexplicably, which makes it difficult to forecast how people might react to a global sharing regime.

-- JonathanBoyer - 26 Sep 2009


Revision 3r3 - 26 Sep 2009 - 07:17:35 - JonathanBoyer
Revision 2r2 - 25 Sep 2009 - 21:26:18 - BrettJohnson
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