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TextFormattingRules 43 - 30 Mar 2004 - Main.PeterThoeny
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TWiki Text Formatting

Line: 183 to 183
List Item:
Three spaces and an asterisk.
Three spaces, an asterisk, and another space.

Line: 197 to 197
Nested List Item:
Six, nine, ... spaces and an asterisk.
Six, nine, ... spaces, an asterisk, and another space.

Line: 213 to 213
Ordered List:
Three spaces and a number.
Three spaces, a number, and another space.

Line: 251 to 251
  |   center-spaced   | cells are displayed center aligned.
|     right-spaced | cells are displayed right aligned.
| 2 colspan || cells are displayed as multi-span columns (i.e., a cell with no text spans a column).
|^| cells with a caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-span rows.
|^| cells with a caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-span rows (this functionality is provided by TablePlugin).
  If a row contains a large amount of text, and you want it to be more readable while editing the table, split the row into multiple text lines by ending each line with a backslash character '\'.
• Table cells wrap automatically as determined by the browser.
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  Forced Links:
You can create a forced internal link by enclosing words in double square brackets.
Note: Text within the brackets may contain optional spaces; the topic name is formed by capitalizing the initial letter and by removing the spaces; for example, [[text formatting FAQ]] links to topic TextFormattingFAQ. You can also refer to a different web and use anchors.

Note: To "escape" double square brackets that would otherwise be a correct link, use <nop> between the leading left square brackets, that is, begin with [<nop>[....

Note: To "escape" double square brackets that would otherwise be a correct link, prefix the leading left square brackets with an exclamation point, that is, begin with ![[....

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Prevent a Link:
Prevent a WikiWord from being linked by prepending it with the <nop> tag.
Prevent a WikiWord from being linked by prepending it with an exclamation point.

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    • This feature allows you to enter an unclosed angle bracket - as a greater than or less than symbol - and have it automatically rendered as if you had entered its HTML character, &lt;, ex: a < b
    • TIP If you're pasting in preformatted HTML text and notice problems, check the file in a text processor with no text wrap. Also, save without hard line breaks on text wrap, in your HTML editing program.

TWiki and JavaScript

You can use JavaScript for your TWiki applications. Sice TWiki rendering might interfere with JavaScript code you need to escape it with HTML comments and <pre> tags:

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide JavaScript and <pre> escape TWiki rendering
... put your JavaScript code here...
// Stop hiding and stop </pre> escaping TWiki rendering -->


Being able to create links without any formatting required is a core TWiki feature, made possible with WikiWords. New TWiki linking rules are a simple extension of the syntax that provide a new set of flexible options.

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  • To "escape" a percent sign that would otherwise be interpreted as a variable, add <nop> after the first percent sign. Write: %<nop>SOMEVARIABLE% to get: %SOMEVARIABLE%.
  • To "escape" a variable, prefix it with an exclamation point. Write: !%SOMEVARIABLE% to get: %SOMEVARIABLE%.

TWikiPlugin Formatting Extensions

Line: 506 to 517
    • A: The '&' character has a special meaning in HTML, it starts a so called character entity, i.e. '&copy;' is the © copyright character. You need to escape '&' to see it as it is, so write '&amp;' instead of '&'.
      Example: Type 'This &amp; that' to get 'This & that'.

-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 02 Dec 2001

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2004
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 29 Mar 2004

Revision 43r43 - 30 Mar 2004 - 05:39:47 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 42r42 - 17 Mar 2004 - 07:03:50 - PeterThoeny?
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