Personal Introduction

-- By NicoGurian - 27 Jan 2015

I want law school to equip me with the skills necessary to remedy the injustices and inequalities I see around me every day. I think there are two parts to that job. First, I want to translate every day realities into a legal context that have a legal solution. Second, I want to learn the skills necessary to execute that solution I have come up with from the start to the finish. One of the main reasons I took this class is to help with part one of that goal and be able to come up with creative legal solutions.

All the skills necessary? Did you bring none with you?

How do you translate "realities" into a legal context that has a legal solution each and every time? Is it not likely that there are occasionally just a few problems around that don't have a "legal solution" in any "legal context"?

Surely there are problems that do not have a legal solution in any legal context. However, in order to help people suffering from structural problems, it is important to use the coercive power of the legal system in their favor. Maybe a better way to put it would be to work on thinking of creative legal remedies to problems, that at first blush, appear to not have any. Isn't the ability to do that the basis for a thriving and rewarding practice?