The Siren Triangle

The government, the media, and the defense industry

By Elliott Ash


The Pentagon's military analyst program is just the latest and most barefaced example of the poorly understood iron triangle comprising government agencies, defense contractors, and media conglomerates. This note traces the mutualistic coevolution of the defense industry and the mass media. Statutes and decisions on propaganda, fraud, false advertising, defense spending, and state secrets are explicated and applied to the industries; conduct. The reciprocal relationships between defense and media laws and the behavior of the defense and media industries are examined. Possible avenues for breaking the triangle are discussed, including greater transparency in defense matters and preservation of competition in media markets.


First shalt thou reach the Sirens; they the hearts
Enchant of all who on their coast arrive.
The wretch, who unforewarn'd approaching, hears
The Sirens' voice, his wife and little- ones
Ne'er fly to gratulate his glad return,
But him the Sirens sitting in the meads
Charm with mellifluous song, while all around
The bones accumulated lie of men
Now putrid, and the skins mould'ring away.

-The Odyssey of Homer


  • The corruption linking the government to the media to the defense industry is an intertwined mess of tendrils. Flagitious defense spending is doxa, unquestioned and encouraged by the media.
  • Give account of military analyst program.
  • How did this happen? Why did it happen? This paper will try to explain.

Decide whether to organize these sections by line, by point, or by time

The Siren Triangle

  • Interlocking histories: A chronicle of the autocatalytic coevolution of the modern media and modern military.
  • We spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined. We also spend more on the media industry.
  • The Siren Triangle is not a conspiracy, with deliberate intent on the part of the actors to conspire against the public interest. Instead, the Siren Triangle is an emergent phenomenon of decentralized social processes, where self-interested activities by separate entities combine into a triangular feedback loop.

Media and Government

  • Act of 1996?
  • 2009 military budget is the highest since world war 2. By contrast, Germany reduced its defense spending in 2004 to $33 billion.
  • Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.
  • Does the media benefit from war?

Government and Defense Contractors

  • Evidence indicates quid pro quo between government and more influential contractors. (Fleisher 1993; Karpoff 1999)
  • Retroactive immunity given to telecommunications corporations in 2008.
  • Break-down of defense spending. Return on expensive programs.

Defense Contractors and Media

  • Defense-industry R&D funding facilitated growth and consolidation of media industry (Cypher 2002)
  • General Electric and CBS own defense-industry assets (Kellner 1992)

Nexus: The Pentagon's Military Analyst Program

  • A metaphorical nexus and corrupt offspring of the Siren Triangle


The horrible side effects and counterproductivity of weapons technology. (Kolko 2007 at 18-23) Crimes against humanity: mai lai, abu graib, guantanamo.


From a legal perspective, the Siren Triangle is a complicated problem. The tangle of corrupt laws that enable and feed the triangle are numerous, and they aren't all in the most obvious places. From a sociological perspective, the problem is infinitely more complicated: Not only do you have to promulgate the regulatory changes just discussed; you have to make fundamental structural changes in how the government and society function in order to get them passed into law and followed correctly.

But perhaps the so-called "sociological" perspective is not meaningful distinct from the "legal" perspective. Instead, figuring out realistic measures that could help cure the Siren Triangle is just taking a broader legal perspective; the difference being that you recognize that all functions of government and society are fair game for reform. In dealing with monstrous, inertial problems like the Siren Triangle, it might serve to contemplate what the endogenous or exogenous variables are. On a short time frame, one might say that "law" is just an exogenous variable. So the problem-solver works around the law. On a longer time frame, law becomes an endogenous variable to the problem because the actor can take deliberate measures to repeal and revise the law. As the problem's time horizon increases, more variables become endogenous and thus instruments toward solving the problem, things like wealth, technology, prejudice, corporate incumbency, etc. In the very long run, even such apparent monoliths as constitutional provisions and even the human genetic code become endogenous.

The lesson of this discussion, I think, is that dealing with the Siren Triangle requires both short-term and long-term strategies. The short-term should deal with more realistic regulations such as closing the revolving door, prosecuting violations of existing propaganda laws.

More long-term solutions would be increasing transparency.

Very long-term solutions might involve reversing supreme court holdings on executive privilege, the commander-in-chief power, government transparency, freedom of the press, and restoring the requirement that Congress declare war before the executive engages in armed conflict against enemy states. Even more long term, we can relieve pedagogical limitations and even genetic limitations on human cognition and morality that curse human democracies to problems like the Siren Triangle.

Information Transmission

Lieberson (2002) demonstrates that transmission of aesthetic preferences has its own internal logic. The transmission of knowledge has its own internal logic. Some of that is based on human psychology: Some messages are more salient than others as a result of our brain structure (Boyer 2001). Humans appear to prefer truth to falsity, and also the appearance of truth over the appearance of falsity. What other neural mechanisms guide capture and transfer of information? Whatever they are, these evolved mechanisms for information processing are manipulable. Individuals can manipulate others to do their bidding (Dawkins 1982). This process will inevitably result if an entity 1) would benefit from such manipulation, and 2) it has the communicative tools to successfully undertake the manipulation. Humans do this to each other on a daily basis, with varying results. But the entity in this model doesn't have to be a human being. Collective organizations have their own emergent self-interest, and if they have the tools to manipulate humans to their benefit, they will do so. Governments and corporations are prime examples of this phenomenon. Congress will benefit if Americans think that there are no agency costs between citizen and representative--thus, "We are the party of the people." Media corporations will benefit via higher ratings if viewers think they are in danger and that that corporation's media product will give good information about avoiding that danger. This analysis puts the lie to the standard establishmentarian refrain that advertisements provide "information" about products. That is self-evidently false. Advertisements are disinformation--they are manipulation of the brains of the viewer. The upshot is that the actors in the Siren Triangle--the government, the media, and defense contractors--are actively and deliberately manipulating the public sphere to facilitate the production and reproduction of messages that strengthen the Siren Triangle.

The other problem is that while the benefits of the Siren Triangle are fully internalized by the three entities, the costs are distributed over the whole American electorate and, more crucially, citizens the world over. As far as the American citizenry goes, the coordination costs required to organize an effective populist campaign against the components of the Siren Triangle are preventative. But while Americans at least can vote with their ballots and their eyeballs, the rest of the world is out of luck. The costs that are imposed upon other countries are irremediable; neither the US government, the media, nor the defense contractors have to answer to the complaints of foreign citizens.

Scholars who complain of quid pro quo between politicians and defense contractors frame the relationship as that between buyer and seller: The defense contractor buys the vote. Empirical evidence shows that this is the wrong explanation. Instead, defense contractors support those candidates with preexisting ideological predispositions in favor of defense spending. The funding and support helps those candidates ascend to political power, and primaries and elections are just the final processes. Once defense-contractor-friendly individuals are in office, those predispositions are reproduced through path-dependent processes--specifically, those politicians hire and support new politicians with similar views on the defense industry. This process might explain why defense contractors donate to both democrats and republicans in electoral races. A better empirical test would involve examination of defense-contractor donations during primary season; the hypothesis being that the primary candidate that most supports defense spending will be more likely to gain the nomination.

An analogue is the broken promotion process in the intelligence community elucidated by Kolko (2007). Blindly optimistic interpreters of intelligence were promoted by politicians who refused to see failure in Vietnam.

Military Technology and Intellectual Property

Military technology is a peculiar category of intellectual property. When embodied in a weapon, it does not create net utility.

  • Eli Whitney's replaceable parts. (Lehman 1996 at 8)
  • Military technology was repeatedly monetized throughout the last century (Cypher 2002).



Author Title Yearup Subject Summary Link
  Defense Industry Daily Web Site   C
CBSA Defense Budget Data   MC Military spending data and tables
Kellner, David The Persian Gulf TV War 1992 GMC Describes media coverage of gulf war I; discussion of defense/media conglomerates  
Cypher, James The Iron Triangle 2002
Laveele, Tara Globalizing the iron triangle 2003 GC Describes iron triangle, bureaucracy models; shows how globalization changes these models  
  Germany reduces defense spending 2004 G
Merle, Renae Recruiting Uncler Sam 2004 MC News piece on the revolving door between Pentagon and defense contractors  
Wayne, Leslie Pentagon Brass and Defense Contractor Gold 2004 MC more on revolving door
Cypher, James From Military Keynesianism to Neoliberal Militarism 2007
Barstow, David NYTimes article on Military Analyst Program 2008 MAP
Sessions, David Onward, TV Soldiers 2008 MAP Follows up on Barstow's MAP scoop
NYTimes 2009 Military Budget Bill Passes in Senate 2008 g
  Inside the Black Budget (NYTimes) 2008 G Information about secret military programs
  Secret Military Programs Symbols 2008 G Information about secret military programs
Kellner, David Military Correspondents and propaganda 2008 GM Comparing media coverage of the gulf wars, mentions MAP in footnote
Homer The Odyssey ?   Sirens poem, Bk. 12
Barstow, David   DOD and GAO investigate MAP 2008 MAP
Subject Legend:
  • G = Government/Military
  • C = Defense contractors
  • M = Media
  • MAP = Military Analyst Program


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