QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query

  • Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page.
  • Syntax: %QUERYPARAMS{...}%
  • Parameters:
    • format="..." format string for each entry, default $name=$value
    • separator="..." separator string, default separator="$n" (newline)
  • The following escape sequences are expanded in the format string:
    Sequence: Expands To:down
    $value String value of the parameter. Multi-valued parameters will have a "row" for each value.
    $percnt Percent sign (%)
    $n or $n() New line. Use $n() if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. write Foo$n()Bar instead of Foo$nBar
    $name Name of the parameter
    $nop or $nop() Is a "no operation".
    $quot Double quote (")
    $dollar Dollar sign ($)
  • Example:
    • %QUERYPARAMS{format="<input type='hidden' name='$name' value='$percntENCODE{$quot()$value$quot type=$quot()html$quot}$percnt' />"}%