Law in Contemporary Society

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CLSTwiki 2 - 20 Jul 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
Dear veterans of Law and Contemporary Society:
Things should get exciting in the fall. According to Frantz Merine, Director of Information Technology, CLS is making major improvements to the CLS online interface. The upgrades should include blogs and wikis for any student groups that want them.
This fall, the tools for law-student collaboration are coming one step closer. According to Frantz Merine, Director of Information Technology, the CLS online interface is getting a face-lift. The upgrades should include blogs and wikis.
My friends on the student senate hope that a school-wide Wiki could improve student collaboration among law students. They would like our help, since we know how to make a Wiki succeed or fail.
My friends on the student senate hope that a CLS Wiki will let law students prove how non-competitive they really are. For example, upperclassmen can post their notes and outlines, TA's can post and compare their handouts, and students can form community spaces.
Elliott Ash and I are building a "mock wiki" over the summer. We are using this Wiki to build the backbone for the school-wide Wiki that gets released in late August. When school starts, we will import the "mock Wiki" into the "real wiki".
For many of us, Eben's Wiki seemed less like a collaborative tool than an unsupervised playground (and I was the punk kid throwing stones). But we also glimpsed the potential of Wikis to make learning collaborative. Most importantly, we all have an idea of which factors make the difference.
You may register as a user from the main page. Invite your friends to sign up too. If you want to get more involved, email me or, and we will grant you administrator access to the mock web. Please experiment boldly.
For that reason, we want you to be the first to experiment with this new Wiki. Elliott Ash and I are building a "mock wiki" over the summer that will form the backbone for the school-wide Wiki that gets released in late August. When school starts, we will import the "mock Wiki" into the "real wiki".
Here are some examples of how this Wiki could work:

  • Every teaching assistant (or cohort of TA's under a professor) can form a class page. It could have a sign-up list for a daily note-taker, just like we had. We can write software that sends an email reminding the student who is to take notes the next day.
  • The teaching assistants can also post handouts there.
  • Upperclassmen can post their outlines during the year -- and students can rank the notes.
  • The "User's Guide to Law School" can be just what it says -- a place where upperclassmen can explain to 1Ls how law school works.

For many of us, Eben's Wiki seemed more like a poorly supervised playground (and I was the punk kid throwing stones). But we also glimpsed the potential of a well-managed Wiki to make learning more collaborative, if it is well organized.

You may register as a user from the main page. Invite your friends to sign up too. If you want to get more involved, email me or, and we will grant you administrator access to the mock web. Please experiment boldly.
 -- AndrewGradman - 19 Jul 2008

CLSTwiki 1 - 19 Jul 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
Dear veterans of Law and Contemporary Society:

Things should get exciting in the fall. According to Frantz Merine, Director of Information Technology, CLS is making major improvements to the CLS online interface. The upgrades should include blogs and wikis for any student groups that want them.

My friends on the student senate hope that a school-wide Wiki could improve student collaboration among law students. They would like our help, since we know how to make a Wiki succeed or fail.

Elliott Ash and I are building a "mock wiki" over the summer. We are using this Wiki to build the backbone for the school-wide Wiki that gets released in late August. When school starts, we will import the "mock Wiki" into the "real wiki".

You may register as a user from the main page. Invite your friends to sign up too. If you want to get more involved, email me or, and we will grant you administrator access to the mock web. Please experiment boldly.

Here are some examples of how this Wiki could work:

  • Every teaching assistant (or cohort of TA's under a professor) can form a class page. It could have a sign-up list for a daily note-taker, just like we had. We can write software that sends an email reminding the student who is to take notes the next day.
  • The teaching assistants can also post handouts there.
  • Upperclassmen can post their outlines during the year -- and students can rank the notes.
  • The "User's Guide to Law School" can be just what it says -- a place where upperclassmen can explain to 1Ls how law school works.

For many of us, Eben's Wiki seemed more like a poorly supervised playground (and I was the punk kid throwing stones). But we also glimpsed the potential of a well-managed Wiki to make learning more collaborative, if it is well organized.

-- AndrewGradman - 19 Jul 2008


Revision 2r2 - 20 Jul 2008 - 03:55:56 - AndrewGradman
Revision 1r1 - 19 Jul 2008 - 22:49:04 - AndrewGradman
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