Law in Contemporary Society

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JasonLissyIntro 1 - 15 Jan 2009 - Main.JasonLissy
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My general objectives for this course are to enhance my understanding of law practice’s possibilities and to use this knowledge to challenge the ways I conceptualize my own career path. I hope to obtain finer understandings of the legal profession’s transformation in response to modes of production shifts and the attendant effects this process on occupational satisfaction. I would like to gain a more concrete sense of where practitioners have and have not found occupational fulfillment and freedom. Ultimately, I desire to come away from the course with a richer understanding of the creative alternatives to the modern firm structure, how they were generated, and learn how to identify and realize them within my career.

-- JasonLissy - 15 Jan 2009


Revision 1r1 - 15 Jan 2009 - 15:58:37 - JasonLissy
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