Law in Contemporary Society

Is Prohibitively Expensive Housing In New York City Inevitable?

-- By KieranSingh2001 - 16 Apr 2024

The Problem

In the early months of 1L, my friend Gabe and I decided to live together. Our leases, in subsidized, yet still incredibly expensive, Columbia housing, were to expire at the end of May. We wanted to start looking far earlier, but units would only list about a month before the lease was to start. Given that, we only started looking in earnest at the end of April.

The Current NYC Housing Landscape

Zoning Laws

Rent Stabilization

Proposed changes to NYC Housing Law

Hochul's plan

Subsub 2

The Path to Housing Abundance

Subsection A

Subsection B

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r2 - 18 Apr 2024 - 05:39:53 - KieranSingh2001
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