Law in the Internet Society

50 Recent Changes in LawNetSoc Web retrieved at 08:48 (GMT)

CharlotteBergSecondEssay 02 Apr 2024 - 13:10 EbenMoglen
Love me Tinder Love under the Algorithm There are hundreds of them, designed to find your perfect match. With options for women to make the first step ( #8220 ...
CharlotteBergFirstEssay 29 Feb 2024 - 02:56 CharlotteBerg
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind ...
WebNotify 06 Feb 2024 - 09:34 BrandonRosenberg
AhiranisCastillo AllysonChavez EbenMoglen EdenEsemuede GraceH IndraDan HafsahHanif RyanHerrmann JaredHopper JimmyS MarinaFratt ...
AllysonChavezFirstEssay 06 Feb 2024 - 05:18 AllysonChavez
Third Draft What Are We Even Talking About? That Thing We Call The Parasite My first paper aims to conceptualize what Professor Moglen means when he says ...
AllysonChavezSecondEssay 06 Feb 2024 - 04:45 AllysonChavez
We Need a Federal Online Privacy Regulatory Framework I. The Ecology of Privacy One cannot think of privacy concerns as issues of individual action and responsibility ...
LudovicoColettiSecondEssay 02 Feb 2024 - 02:59 LudovicoColetti
Critique of intellectual monopoly over software Intellectual property rights have long been regarded as crucial incentives for innovation, providing creators and inventors ...
EdenEsemuedeSecondEssay 02 Feb 2024 - 00:51 EdenEsemuede
Privacy and Protest in the Digital Age By EdenEsemuede 1 February 2024 Introduction Increased internet accessibility means that higher percentages of people are ...
EdenEsemuedeFirstEssay 01 Feb 2024 - 23:59 EdenEsemuede
What's in a VPN? By EdenEsemuede 01 Feb 2024 Introduction "What is a VPN?" When the average consumer inputs this Google search, the first thing that pops up ...
YanisAlioucheSecondEssay 31 Jan 2024 - 18:31 YanisAliouche
How Mickey Mouse Spied: the Growth of the Subscription Era By YanisAliouche 20 Nov 2023 In my classes at Columbia Law School, one professor noted #8220;you guys ...
AlexanderLandyshevSecondEssay 30 Jan 2024 - 22:15 AlexanderLandyshev
The Benefits of Boredom: Reclaiming agency in an attention economy Surrounded by Noise Following several in class discussions touching on ever present digital advertisements ...
AlexanderLandyshevFirstEssay 30 Jan 2024 - 22:09 AlexanderLandyshev
Divergent Factual Realities: How the Parasite Drives Polarization By AlexanderLandyshev 13 Oct 2022 The use of misinformation as propaganda to achieve political ...
JaredHopperSecondEssay 21 Jan 2024 - 21:08 EbenMoglen
A Digital God is Born By JaredHopper 05 Dec 2023 Introduction In a December 2023 interview between Elon Musk and Andrew Ross Sorkin of the New York Times, the ...
JasmineBoviaSecondEssay 21 Jan 2024 - 18:32 EbenMoglen
Privacy and the Police Earlier this week, the New York Police Department announced a five year, $500 million effort to transition to an encrypted radio communications ...
JasmineBoviaFirstEssay 21 Jan 2024 - 17:33 EbenMoglen
The Problem with RAIs Increasingly implemented but continually misunderstood, Risk Assessment instruments, or RAIs, have become a common presence in the criminal ...
MichaelHughesSecondEssay 21 Jan 2024 - 04:51 MichaelHughes
Legacy Media and Corporate Control: The Failed Promise of the Digital Age By MichaelHughes 26 Nov 2023 Introduction Local journalism is collapsing with disastrous ...
YanisAlioucheFirstEssay 18 Jan 2024 - 17:26 YanisAliouche
The Failure of Digital Contact Tracing during COVID 19 By YanisAliouche 13 Oct 2023 The COVID 19 epidemic represented a massive shift in governments and populations ...
MatthewSchwartzSecondEssay 18 Jan 2024 - 14:48 MatthewSchwartz
The New Norm: Constant Availability in the Workplace By MatthewSchwartz 27 Nov 2023 Constant Availability: 24/7 Workforce The rise of technology has simultaneously ...
MarinaFrattSecondEssay 17 Jan 2024 - 04:48 MarinaFratt
The rise of representation and the fall of interiority By MarinaFratt 17 Jan 2024 One of the questions I ponder is why the recent dramatic changes in art have ...
WebHome 17 Jan 2024 - 04:40 MarinaFratt
Law in the Internet Society All revisions will be due by 5pm on Friday 19 January. If you need more time, email an extension request and your deadline is automatically ...
OrnaMadiganSecondEssay 17 Jan 2024 - 04:15 OrnaMadigan
The Why Question By OrnaMadigan 16 Jan 2023 Introduction Released in November 2008, Etherpad, an open source online editor, promised #8220;editing in really ...
MatthewSchwartzFirstEssay 12 Jan 2024 - 21:54 MatthewSchwartz
Always Connected, Yet Still Alone By MatthewSchwartz 3 Dec 2023 Technology and its Relationship with Human Attention The proliferation of technology across ...
GueinahBlaiseFirstEssay 12 Jan 2024 - 20:15 GueinahBlaise
GueinahBlaise 11 Nov 2023 Internet Voting: The Battle between Voting integrity and Voting Accessibility Introduction As I read the articles on voting I found myself ...
GueinahBlaiseSecondEssay 11 Jan 2024 - 04:48 GueinahBlaise
Black Twitter and Community Building in the Advent of the Internet Introduction I came into this class with a specific interest in the role the internet plays in ...
OnaMunozRuscalledaSecondEssay 10 Jan 2024 - 21:34 OnaMunozRuscalleda
The issues with the EU #8217;s GDPR: can they be solved? By OnaMunozRuscalleda 26 Nov 2023 Introduction This essay will delve into the GDPR, the EU's most comprehensive ...
TheoTamayoSecondEssay 10 Jan 2024 - 20:53 TheoTamayo
So What, Exactly, Is The Problem? By TheoTamayo 10 Jan 2024 Three minutes into The Social Dilemma, an interviewer asks the assembled former tech executives #8212 ...
TheoTamayoFirstEssay 10 Jan 2024 - 20:41 TheoTamayo
Necessary Conditions By TheoTamayo 10 Jan 2024 Reality is where we live. Fantasy is where we escape. It lets us taste the impossible, experience things that do ...
OnaMunozRuscalledaFirstEssay 10 Jan 2024 - 17:09 OnaMunozRuscalleda
Why were there no disclaimers that tracking your 10.000 daily steps could lead to disastrous data breaches? By OnaMunozRuscalleda 13 Oct 2023 Introduction ...
MichaelHughesFirstEssay 08 Jan 2024 - 19:58 EbenMoglen
In Defense of Anonymous Freinds By MichaelHughes 12 Oct 2023 Introduction The mass adoption of internet connected personal devices has brought about profound ...
MaxEFirstEssay 08 Jan 2024 - 18:43 EbenMoglen
MaxE 20 Nov 2023 Intro the U.S. government should regulate bot presence on social media to combat the issue of content oversaturation and censorship on social media ...
IndraDanFirstEssay 08 Jan 2024 - 18:30 EbenMoglen
Anonymity's Influence on Internet Behavior By IndraDan 11 Dec 2023 Introduction Trolling. Hate speech. Bad faith arguments. Emotional volatility. Negativity festers ...
LudovicoColettiFirstEssay 08 Jan 2024 - 16:31 EbenMoglen
Social Credit Systems: Dystopian Visions and Real world Challenges In the dystopian world of the TV show "Black Mirror," the episode "Nosedive" describes a world where ...
AhiranisCastilloSecondEssay 07 Jan 2024 - 19:10 EbenMoglen
The Right to Forget: The First Amendment, Internet, and Cancel Culture By AhiranisCastillo 29 Nov 2023 In the digital age, the vast power of speech has taken a ...
AhiranisCastilloFirstEssay 07 Jan 2024 - 18:59 EbenMoglen
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind ...
MaxESecondEssayRevised 30 Dec 2023 - 22:31 MaxE
MaxE 30 Dec 2023 Intro The Covid 19 pandemic forced schools to implement adaptive measures and accommodate student #8217;s educational needs via online and AI based ...
BrandonRosenbergFirstEssay 22 Dec 2023 - 20:52 BrandonRosenberg
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind ...
JaredHopperFirstEssay 19 Dec 2023 - 23:54 JaredHopper
Your Netflix Subscription's on Big Tech By JaredHopper 13 Oct 2023 Introduction In thinking about the pitfalls and perils of the "internet society," it is tempting ...
OrnaMadiganFirstEssay 17 Dec 2023 - 06:06 OrnaMadigan
The Playground Panopticon (Version 2) By OrnaMadigan 17 Dec 2023 Intro A red dot appeared next to user 17 #8217;s name. I quickly reprimanded them: #8220;let ...
IndraDanSecondEssay 16 Dec 2023 - 16:17 IndraDan
Artificial Intelligence and Education By IndraDan 16 Dec 2023 Introduction Artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics of discussion. Advanced ...
ReeceWalterFirstEssay 15 Dec 2023 - 21:15 ReeceWalter
Becoming a Privacy Aware Person: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me By ReeceWalter 15 Dec 2023 The First Month The reality of mass surveillance by not ...
MaxESecondEssay 12 Dec 2023 - 16:43 EbenMoglen
o The Intersection of AI and Music: Redefining Creativity in the Industry By MaxE 27 Nov 2023 Intro The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and music ...
TWikiGuestSecondEssay 22 Nov 2023 - 22:54 LudovicoColetti
Intellectual Property and Incentives to Innovation: does it really work? Intellectual property rights have long been regarded as crucial incentives for innovation ...
MaxEFirstEssayRevision1 20 Nov 2023 - 20:19 MaxE
MaxE 20 Nov 2023 Intro the U.S. government should regulate bot presence on social media to combat the issue of content oversaturation and censorship on social media ...
EdenEsmuedeFirstEssay 18 Nov 2023 - 20:47 EbenMoglen
You did say to make it bad. Introduction "What is a VPN?" When the average consumer inputs this Google search, the first thing that pops up isn #8217;t the Google ...
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