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TheEstablishedChurchInSouthCarolina 2 - 12 Nov 2009 - Main.JosephForderer
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I intend to look at the Established Anglican Church in South Carolina between 1704 and 1790. I want to focus on the various challenges brought against the established church and how the government in South Carolina addressed these challenges.
-- JosephForderer - 05 Nov 2009
After doing some early research, it seems that the desire for economic development and stability played an important role in weaking people's support for maintaining an established church. People feared that creating and maintaining an established church would drive out many people (i.e. non-Anglicans) and act as a disincentive for more to settle in the area, thus impeding the healthy economic growth of the Province. Even in the mid-18th Century the Assembly was passing legislation inducing French Protestants to settle in the colony. Having human bodies to develop the land was more important than ensuring a primarily Anglican populous. Additionally, some urged that all Protestants should unite against the Indians and blacks to protect themselves and ensure economic stability against these potential threats. Yes, there was a lot of talk about 'religious freedom and tolerance', but that doesn't seem to be the whole story. For pragmatic, economic concerns it just didn't make sense to have an established church which favored Anglicans over dissenters and divided the populous.

I have attached some potential sources.

-- JosephForderer - 12 Nov 2009


\ No newline at end of file

  • Church_Act_1706_1708.pdf: This is the Church Act of 1706 which essentially establishes the Anglican Church in the Province.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="1704_Act_regarding_Oaths_of_office.docx" attr="" comment="This is a 1704 Act regarding required Oaths of Office followed by a critique of the Act." date="1258044651" name="1704_Act_regarding_Oaths_of_office.docx" path="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\1704 Act regarding Oaths of office.docx" size="4678651" stream="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\1704 Act regarding Oaths of office.docx" user="Main.JosephForderer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Church_Act_1706_1708.pdf" attr="" comment="This is the Church Act of 1706 which essentially establishes the Anglican Church in the Province." date="1258044755" name="Church_Act_1706_1708.pdf" path="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\Church_Act_1706_1708.pdf" size="335151" stream="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\Church_Act_1706_1708.pdf" user="Main.JosephForderer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="William_Tennents_Speech_before_the_Assembly.docx" attr="" comment="A Speech before the Assembly arguing for disestablishment" date="1258044822" name="William_Tennents_Speech_before_the_Assembly.docx" path="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\William Tennent's Speech before the Assembly.docx" size="1780624" stream="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\William Tennent's Speech before the Assembly.docx" user="Main.JosephForderer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SC_Constitution_of_1788.pdf" attr="" comment="Constitution changing the established church from Anglican to Christian (see Art. XXXVII)" date="1258045115" name="SC_Constitution_of_1788.pdf" path="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\SC Constitution of 1788.pdf" size="775359" stream="C:\Users\Joseph\Documents\Law School\2L\Am. Leg. Hist\SC Constitution of 1788.pdf" user="Main.JosephForderer" version="1"

TheEstablishedChurchInSouthCarolina 1 - 05 Nov 2009 - Main.JosephForderer
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I intend to look at the Established Anglican Church in South Carolina between 1704 and 1790. I want to focus on the various challenges brought against the established church and how the government in South Carolina addressed these challenges.

-- JosephForderer - 05 Nov 2009


Revision 2r2 - 12 Nov 2009 - 17:00:05 - JosephForderer
Revision 1r1 - 05 Nov 2009 - 17:40:08 - JosephForderer
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