Law in the Internet Society
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Potential Topic: Freemium Open Access

[1] Intro: One of the fundamental rationales underlying the need for open access of zero-marginal cost goods is that it's in the interest of justice

[2] Question: But does justice demand that the experience of accessing the information be equal? Does open access = equal access?

[3a] Illustrative Examples:

  • Reading Shakespeare for free as a text file online, v. buying a leather bound edition for $30
  • (Trashy) v. Typographer's-dream ( SAME content, vastly different experiences.
  • MIT OCW v. attending MIT
  • Downloading the source code and self-installing v. Paying a consultant to install and configure

[3b] NOT freemium:

  • NYT paywall, 30-day software trials, etc.
  • Difference here is that the "premium" versions of these services offer content and/or access that is not available to non-paying users. In my contemplated system, the access to the fundamental content should be the same.

[4] Proposal: Perhaps a good way to make core information available to everyone, yet preserve free-market esque revenue streams that can

  1. fund the costs and incentivize the efforts of further development,
  2. incentivize people/users towards upward mobility
  3. add more thoughts here,
is to encourage a tiered system that requires people to give away the core information for free, but allows them to charge for the bells & whistles

[5] Problems

  • Is this a sustainable model for key industries - music, movies, where 90% of the value is just the file itself? (Former Rep. Bob Ingles said in a talk I went to last week - "Sustainability means profit")
    • Is it possible to maintain systems where the "premium" version doesn't = premium access to content? At which point do services become or = content?
    • How would this work for software, particularly expensive software like Adobe?
  • Does this address the justice problem? Just because people have access to information doesn't mean that it's in a form that facilitates them to use it.
  • What is the ideal equilibrium-society that I am trying to promote? (think about this)

-- By CrystalMao - 14 Oct 2011

Section I

Subsection A

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Subsection B

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Section II

Subsection A

Subsection B

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r1 - 14 Oct 2011 - 22:42:08 - CrystalMao
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